Surprise house guest - Chloe Luthi

My ol pal from Melaka came a knocking yesterday...I have known Olivia (aka Liv for short) since HP Msia days and we have kept in touch despite even being across the continents at one stage :). She's moved back to Melaka as Stefan managed to wiggle a 2 year work stint and now we get to meet more than once a year so that I can see how big Chloe has grown (Above pix). Pix below shows Chloe at a few months old.

She's such a cutie..2 years 8 months and very well behaved. A real cartoon addict and I think she was dissapointed when she asked me this morning for the cartoon channel and I had to sheepishly tell her that her "Ayyi Cindy (Aunty Cindy)" did not subscribe to the cartoon channel on cable :p. Thankfully, I managed to dig out "The Incredibles" DVD which kept her occupied for the morning *I hope* !
Too bad I am soo busy preparing to take my open water scuba test this week..leaving me no time at all to spend with Liv and Chloe :(. Last night's theory class saw Jun and me sitting in the room from 7.30pm till 11.45pm!! My fanatic instructor, Ludo from Mauritius is a slave driver! No drinks and I practically had to beg for a toilet break at 10.15pm. Am quite the upset with Jin cos he assured me that learning scuba was easy as a pea..*blah* ;)
Anyway, Liv has promised to try *TRY* to arrange for a gathering in Melaka to celebrate Chloe's 3rd birthday. Hopefully it transpires..otherwise, I will just hope to see Chloe in October where we will go to the Spore zoo together..I can't wait :D
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